Feeling bored every day diet found that's it, wanted to try something different ? Were rarely informed. It is better if you try the following culinary food super extreme in

But there are many people who feel disgusted, nausea and want to vomit when 've never tried at all and just hear it, including me hehehe.

1. Soups Tiger Penis 

When we hear the tiger penis soup dishes , not only sound disgusting but also cruel and sadistic . How the survival of this endangered species will that should be protected and preserved. But another reality in the land of China , rare animal species threatened with extinction is precisely the subject of hunting food.

 Most Disgusting Seafood Soups in the World Regarded as one of the culinary delights of the most exclusive in the world , to buy it was spelled out very expensive . That said , Soups tiger penis have efficacy as a powerful drug Viagra which he said makes men more powerful warriors , especially when fighting with his wife . Ways of making food tiger soup is quite simple.

 The first tiger penis to be soaked in water mixed with special herbs for a week. Then it will be boiled with leaves spice for approximately 6 hours . Once the food was ready to be served. 

2. Supu , typical dishes from Tanzania 

Supu is called 'Soup ' for the indigenous people of Tanzania. 

The materials used in Supu can be said is unusual . Among them an integral part of the goat's head , liver, heart , lungs mixed with beef tongue, offal and entrails whole cow . Already can imagine how it feels beef mixed with mutton , plus we can clearly see the appearance of the head of the goat that still looks intact.

In fact, often we can also find nail cattle and goats while enjoying a meal this Supu . See also Food cruel, sadistic and Most Pathetic

3. Testis Raw Chicken 

The chicken dish was also able to become one of the most disgusting food in the world . For it is not chicken that we eat but part of his testicle , testicular You know it what it is ?  male sex gland that is wrapped by a layer of fibrous.

Sample more easily in humans, 'something' that is in the seed of a man . Ok enough already explained, later spread everywhere. That said, when we take a chicken testicle soup, the texture feels very soft as eating Tofu.

It felt too much like eating soft-boiled egg. We will not find meat or offal other chicken in the dish, really pure Si Chicken Testicle everything. The efficacy of this soup, supposedly he can make the skin more healthy and increase men's stamina.

4. Menudo / Pancita , Soups of traditional Mexican 

Menudo is a traditional soup authentic cuisine from Mexico. Made of offal, entrails veal mixed with grits. And the food was only served on special occasions just like the annual celebration, birthdays, weddings and other important celebrations.

 Cooked for hours so that the contents of a cow with his friends turned soft as melted. In addition to taste good ( huekk ) said Soups Menudo is also powerful used as a cure for the hangover.

5. Soups Tien Blood Kahn ( Tiet Canh ) 

Tien Kahn aka blood soup are the most popular foods in Vietnam . Made from the raw blood of ducks / geese , and let more delicious mixed with gizzard or sown cashews . Cooked just a modest course.

 Then the raw blood that has been poured into the bowl will be allowed to coagulate until cool , then Taraa the food was ready to be enjoyed. What about the efficacy of Soups Tiet Canh 's Blood ? Reputedly believed to eliminate fever, add excitement and he also can streamline the stomach.

6. Birds Ortolan Pregnant 

Not less cruel and horrible, birds Ortolan funny and cute also victims of human hunger . Although considered illegal but the food is very popular in French State, whereas birds Ortolan has increasingly threatened existence.

 the most disgusting food It was horrible when we look at the process of ripening this hapless birds . When they first arrested, the chefs will be stabbed both her ​​eyes and gave a forced them to eat despite having to vomit.

 After getting enough weight in their ideal would then drowned alive into Tong Liquor Armagnac. And after the death of their bodies to be boiled for 10 minutes and ready to be served to the diners.

7. Soups Deer Placenta 

How could one eat deer , saw only rare , especially for us who live in urban areas. But to find the deer placenta soup dish is very easy to find in the city of Shanghai, China. The original is made from placenta, embryonic tissue formed during pregnancy on fetal cells deer.

 When a baby is born into the world of deer , which came out at the same placenta is taken to be used as food ingredients . Believed to have high nutrient levels that can increase the vitality and passion enhancer sexuality of both men and women


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